#26 Brayton Williams, BoostVC: The Crypto VC Landscape, Scarce Trust, and the Liquid Founder
In this episode of Creating a Humanist Blockchain Future (Patreon, Soundcloud, Youtube, iTunes) I interview Brayton Williams, a co-founder at BoostVC, an accelerator that focuses on blockchain technology. We chat about the crypto VC landscape, the continued scarcity of trust, and the liquidity for how blockchain founders allocate their time. Enjoy, and as always, let me know if you have any feedback! Links below:
- Black Swans Aggregation Theory https://medium.com/@RhysLindmark/macro-blockchain-1-the-end-of-aggregation-theory-ad199a0c03d8
- Abstraction of Trust
- VC 3.0, Native Protocol Funds, Community Token Economy
- Infrastructure Tech: Fundamental Challenges with Public Blockchains
Late Applications for BoostVC are due Dec 30th! Apply here!
BoostVC companies that I’ve interviewed:
- #4 Ryan X Charles (Yours)
- #11 Joe Urgo (district0x)
- #20 Taylor Monohan (MyEtherWallet)
- #21 Luis Cuende (Aragon)
- #24 Arthur Breitman (tez0s)
Other current projects:
- If you like these podcasts, come to the ETHDenver Hackathon, Feb 16–18!
- If you’re interested in working with my in the Ethereum ecosystem, see: Co-evolving the Phase Shift to Crypto Capitalism by Founding The Ethereum Commons Co-op
Thanks to Mike Goldin, John Desmond, Colin Wielga, Harry Lindmark, Joe Urgo, John Lindmark, Jacob Zax, Katie Powell, Jonathan Isaac, Brady McKenna, Jeff Snyder, Ryan X Charles, Chris Edmonds, Brayton Williams, Ned Mills, Kenji Williams, Scott Levi, Peter Rodgers, Keith Klundt, Andrew O’Neill, and Kenzie Jacobs for supporting me on Patreon!
Thanks to Shapeshift for sponsoring the show! Please use them/check them out!
About Me: My name is Rhys Lindmark and I’m a social entrepreneur. I’m Creating a Humanist Blockchain Future by: a) Empowering the Colorado Blockchain community (check out our ETHDenver hackathon!), b) Developing the Ethereum Commons Co-op and c) Hosting a systems podcast with experts. I’m an alumnus of Techstars Boulder 2015 (Edify). Please reach out if you’d like to connect or have feedback! I’m curious about what you’re working on. You can support me on Patreon, follow me on Twitter, or connect on LinkedIn.
Disclaimer: I own less than $1000 of any given cryptocurrency, so my monetary incentive is not too aligned with Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. :)